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  • Cette page est dediée aux videos sur les circassiens que j'ai selectionné au file de mes recherches sur le net, j'ajouterai au fure et a mesure du possible. // this page is dedicated to all good videos about circassians that i found in my research, there are many more coming soon, little by little.

  • a free easy way to download video from youtube and other sites on
  • and here getting the subtitle that are included in video with

  • Click on Pictures or Links to watch & Download
  • Click on YouTube to watch in YouTube source
  • Adiga introduction : mix video
  • 00. the circassians - kabardians : RT documentary :
    documentaire de la chaine Russian Today en republique kabarde

    . YouTube 1

    . YouTube 2
  • 01. Adiga circassian song - Zhyu-Abdzah :
    folklore : belle chanson resistante contre les envahisseurs cossacks russes

    . YouTube1

    . YouTube2
  • 02. Adiga accordeon : Albert Valiev Kabardinski :


    . YouTube
  • 03. Adiga pshena : Aslan Tlebzu - Kafa Chikh :

    14 déc. 2010 - Dir: Bisher Yerokua - prod: One Light Studio

    . YouTube
  • 04. Adiga Dance knives : Young Circassian kabardin - Marat Abaza :
    from Nartan in Kabarda wows spectators across Russia with his splendid flawless dare-devil dagger dance during the young talent show/contest “Blue Bird, 2016”. Marat, only 11, performs a traditional Circassian dagger dance to the tune of a Lezghinka.

    . YouTube
  • 05. Adiga cartoon : dessins animés :

    . other videos link YouTube

    . nitie YT

    .kbr prince YT
    Adiga Xhabze : Circassian Traditions
  • 01. Adiga Xhabze part 1, 2, 3 & 4 :
    film fascinant sur les Circassiens : The Circassian code of conduct or the 'Adiga Xhabze' from the cradle to the grave. commentary in Circassian language Chemgoy dialect
    P2 - P3 - P4
    . YouTube1
    . YouTube2
    . YouTube3
    . YouTube4
    Adigabza : language - parler - speaking
  • 01. Circassian Alphabet 1-2-3 :
    Introduction to Circassian Alphabet in english by Jonty Yamisha
    part 2 - part 3 -
    . YouTube1
    . YouTube2
    . YouTube3
    Histoire Geographie _ History
  • 01. Circassian Notes No. 1 - Circassians and Circassia (Rus, eng subs) :

    (source 22 01 2017 on youtube chain : simple history).
    Updated first debut release of Circassian Notes dedicated directly to Circassians - their description, internal world, history, daily life, religion and destiny, as well as political and geographical concept of Circassia term.
    . YouTube
  • 01. les Hatty : ancetres des circassiens :
    THE HATTI - Circassians Ancestors
    . YouTube
    . YouTube2
  • 02. Hatty dans les langues et cultures anciennes :
    conference Présentation du livre
    . also on YouTube
  • 03. Hatty dans the last pages of great tartaria :
    . also on YouTube
  • 04. Nart "Narther Neterher Anunnakiher" : peuples anciens
    . also on YouTube
  • 05. Mystères de Khara-khora : anciennes grottes ou labyrinthes souterrains - que cachent les montagnes du Caucase?
    . also on YouTube
    Cavalier Cheval Horse-man
  • 01. kabardin le cheval du Caucase - kabardian horse :
    the best horse ever
    . YouTube

    . YouTube

    . YouTube

    . YouTube

    . YouTube

    . YouTube

    . YouTube

    ADIGA Folklore VIDEO BOX
    ..Video Groupe - kabardinka..

  • ..Video Groupe - Nalmes..
  • Premices de danse
  • Triptyque
  • Zagat
  • Udge
  • Islamey
  • Manteau blanc

  • Danse Zafak Nalmes
  • Rythmes circassians
  • Danse de la diaspora
  • Tlyaparysh
  • Kama.Danse avec les poignards

  • Dear compatriot! 

    L'Association Circassienne Internationale reclame toute votre attention et fait appelle à votre capacité a vous unir depar ce discours.
    The International Circassian Association invokes to your sincere attention and ability to tune in onto the same wave-length by this speech.

    Les Circassiens (Adygheans) representent une nation notoire, honarable et respectable, connue pour son hospitalité et l'entretien de rapport chaleureux avec les peuples. Le besoin vital de mémoire (garder leurs traditions) coule dans leurs veines, ceci depuis les temps anciens. Durant des milliers d'années pleines d'epreuves et de tragédies, le ciment et le symbole, noyau de la nation fut la langue Circassienne. Aujourd'hui, leur langue Associée a leur mère patrie, majestueuse depuis le mont Elbrus(le chapeau d'or) , forment les deux entités qui relient les tcherkesses de part le monde et leurs donnent bon espoir de transmettre leurs valeurs.
    The Circassians (Adygheans) are a majestic nation of dignity and self respect, known for the ability to maintain warm and hospitable relationships with other peoples. Nevertheless, the very need of remaining genuine Circassians has been in its blood since the ancient times. Through the thousands years full of grieve and tragedy has it born the core symbol of the nation: the Circassian language. Together with our durable motherland, beautified by Elbrus, its golden hat, they are the things that connect and give us hope these days.

    But it is obvious to any forward thinking Circassian that our amazing mother tongue, which has absorbed all the fears, worries and feelings of the nation, is swiftly sinking into oblivion. My people, let us preserve our beautiful language, for the sake of our ancestors, whose blood runs in our veins, for the sake of the ancient fatherland invoking to you, for the sake of our offspring, whom our future, bright or dark, depends on.

    None but God knows the future; in that case, let us not do something to our growing generation for which we shall be reproached tomorrow, let us not deprive them of the fascinating language, which has God the Almighty endowed on them.

    The best institution to teach our offspring our language is the family; therefore, we invoke you to preserve the Circassian language in your families, speak Circassian to your children and let us communicate Circassians.
